Your entry fee includes unrivalled scenery on closed roads, commemorative finisher’s medal, event giveaway, electronic timing, mechanical support, support stations along the route, King of the Mountain split time and downloadable finisher’s certificate (from Marathon Photos Live).
We’re sorry there are absolutely no event weekend entries for the Etape Loch Ness due to the practicalities of planning for a fixed number of participants. Sign up to our enews so we can keep in touch with you about next year’s event.
The Etape Loch Ness is open to cyclists aged 17 and over on the day of event.
If you would like to start in the same wave as your friends or club members, please input a ‘Team Name’ during the registration process. Please ensure that you all input it identically.
Yes, as long as everyone who wants to cycle together put the same estimated finish time and team name when they entered we will endeavour to put you in the same start wave.
You will have received a confirmation email at the time of registering. Please check your junk/spam folders in case it has gone in here. If you did not receive an email, please email us or visit My Events to check your entry.
Changes to your entry, for example group name and proposed finish time, can be made by logging into your entry here by 30 March 2025.
If you are no longer able to participate, it is possible to transfer your place to another rider. You can do this by logging into your entry through My Events. Please note it is your responsibility to find a replacement cyclist and the transfer of place must be completed no later than 2 March 2025 for the 2025 event. Once the new rider has claimed the transfer and paid the full entry fee online, you will automatically be issued with a refund, minus the transfer admin fee.
Please see our terms and conditions of entry for further information.
Please note: Never swap your participant number with any other participant, as this could cause problems for our medical teams and timing service. If event organisers become aware of anyone who swaps their race number they will be disqualified and reported to British Cycling.
You are entitled to a refund within 14 days of entering (the ‘cooling off period’), after this time we regret we are unable to give refunds. As stated in our terms and conditions of entry, we will deduct a £10.00 administration fee from all refunds.
Notice of withdrawal from the event must be communicated by email stating clearly the desire to withdraw and putting the word WITHDRAWAL in the subject line of the email. Withdrawals will not be accepted by telephone. Participants can withdraw at any point prior to the event with no refund.
We’re sorry but as stated in our terms and conditions of entry, we do not operate a deferment system, so we regret it is not possible to defer your entry to another year.
In 2025, riders can substitute RideLondon for the 2025 Etape Loch Ness as part of their London Classics. Find out more here.
Road bikes are preferable, but gravel, mountain, hybrid touring bikes and tandem bikes are acceptable. If you are riding a tandem, both participants need to enter as individual participants.
Please note that fixed wheel bikes (bikes that use the pedals as a brake) are NOT permitted. Please refer to the Event Rules for list of bikes that are not permitted.
An electric bike or Ebike is permitted, provided it is a UK road legal bike with maximum electro speed of 15.5 mph (25 kph) and rated power output of 250 watts or less.
A recumbent bicycle or trike is permitted however riders will be required to have a head height safety flag attached to the bicycle.
Bikes which are not of standard design must be approved by the organisers before the event. The organisers reserve the right to withdraw a participant from the event if their bike is considered, in the organiser’s opinion, to represent a danger to the cyclist or other participants. Please contact us on [email protected] with any queries.
You are not permitted to have unconventional handlebars including triathlon bars, aero bars, clip-ons, prayer bars, Spinaci bars and cow bars. However, MTB bar ends are permitted on mountain bikes.
If you would like to hire a road bike for the event try Cycle Hire Scotland and Ticket to Ride.
Please be aware that weather conditions can change and deteriorate rapidly in the Scottish Highlands and you should bring appropriate clothing to keep warm in any adverse weather. Please visit our Rider Zone for mandatory and recommended kit.
An approved bike safety helmet must be worn by all participants at all times whilst taking part in the event. Your helmet must comply with the various accepted standards such as ANSI Z90.4, SNELL B90, EN 1078 or equivalent national standard. Please note the British Kite Mark is not sufficient.
All riders must adhere to the minimum speed of 13mph. Riders falling behind this will be given the option of returning to the Event Hub in Inverness in the sweep bus or completing the course on open roads. This ensures that the roads are reopened as agreed with the authorities and local communities and once it is deemed safe to do so by the Event Organisers. This gives riders 5 hours and 38 minutes to complete the course on closed roads.
We want everyone to complete the course and have a safe and enjoyable experience. For those participants who can no longer continue for mechanical, physical or medical reasons, the sweep team will take you and your bike back to the Event Hub in Inverness.
We reserve the right to use discretion to insist when riders get on the Sweep Bus. This will be on the grounds of safety of the rider or other road users, specifically on the section of the route on the A82 or for medical reasons.
Any rider who refuses to get on the sweep bus will be asked to sign an event disclaimer, will have their timing chip and rider number removed and will be advised that the Highway Code and usual Road Traffic laws apply.
Please note the Event Organisers’ decision is final.
No, listening to portable music players or using headphones along the route is not permitted for safety reasons.
You are NOT allowed to use your mobile phone while cycling. Please stop at the road side if you need to make or receive a call.
The Start is located at Bught Park, Bught Road, Inverness IV3 5SQ which is approx. 0.6 miles from the Event Hub.
The Finish is on Bishops Road, Inverness IV3 5SA.
The Event Hub is located at the Eden Court, Bishops Road, Inverness, IV3 5SA.
Temporary traffic restrictions have been kept to a minimum to ensure the safety of participants and other road users. Roads will be closed in both directions to create a safe traffic-free environment for the event. Full details are available here.
If you or someone you know has an essential journey to make, please let us know in advance and we will work with you to find a solution wherever possible. Please email us.
Please refer to our Rider Zone or your final event instructions (emailed at least 2 weeks in advance) for parking locations.
We recommend cycling to the Start if you are staying locally to help reduce congestion on the day.
Please note the temporary traffic restrictions in place on the event morning and plan your journey carefully, allowing plenty of time for parking.
You will receive an email with your final event instructions and advising your rider number and start time/wave at least 2 weeks before the event.
If you have signed up to our e-news, you will also receive a monthly e-newsletter. We also recommend following us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for regular event updates.
Pre-event registration takes place 10.00-19.00 on Saturday 26 April 2025 at the Event Hub at Eden Court, Bishops Road, Inverness, IV3 5SA. Please note there is NO registration on Sunday morning.
All participants must attend to collect their event pack. Please ensure you bring photo ID with you and a copy of your confirmation email.
If you cannot make the registration, you can get a friend to register for you. They need to bring photo ID for themselves as well as a signed letter from you (template available here) confirming that they can collect your event pack.
You need to collect your event pack at Registration on Saturday 26 April 2025 between 10.00 – 19.00 at the Event Hub Eden Court, Bishops Road, Inverness, IV3 5SA
Please remember to bring photo ID or if someone is collecting on your behalf, they also need photo ID and a signed letter from you (template letter here) authorising them to collect your pack.
Please note it is not possible to collect your event pack on the morning of the event.
You will need to make sure that you bring your bike, helmet, rider number (collected during registration), two full bottles of water and energy snacks, and wear appropriate clothing for the time of year.
The average temperature in April is 11.5 degrees, however highs of 16 degrees and lows of 9 degrees have been recorded. As the weather around Loch Ness can be very changeable, we strongly recommend that you check the weather forecast and bring the appropriate clothing.
Please refer to our recommended kit list here.
Participants will be split into 4 waves (A-D) based on your estimated finish time. You will receive an email with your specific start wave (A-D) and your allocated time to arrive at your start holding area, and these times are posted on our Rider Zone.
Groups of riders will be released at 2 minute intervals between 06.00 and 06.50.
Your start wave is based on your estimated finish time as provided when you entered online. This ensures that the fastest and most experienced riders start at the head of the field and allows you to cycle with participants of similar ability for your safety and enjoyment.
Please allow plenty of time to get to your start holding area within your allocated arrival time. The start area is 0.6 miles from the Event Hub. Please note that there are different access routes to the start holding areas for each start wave.
If you miss your arrival time for your start holding you will be asked to join the last wave of riders. If you miss the final wave we are very sorry but you will NOT be allowed to take part in the event.
Your timing chip is attached to the rider number that you affix to your bike using the cable ties included in your event pack. Please make sure that you don’t wrap the number around the tube as this may damage the chip and it won’t work! There is no need to return the chip to us.
Your overall time is based solely on your timing chip, which, if fitted correctly, will record your individual time from the moment you cross the start line until you cross the finish line – it is not connected with your start wave in any way.
All times will be available on our website the day after the event. Every participant will receive a finish time (subject to proper use of timing chip) and a split time from the King of the Mountain stage. If you provided your mobile number when you entered, you will also receive a text message with your time.
There are 4 support stations around the course, located as follows:
Water and energy snacks will be available at the support stations however we recommend you start the event with two full water bottles and some energy snacks.
Toilets, first aid and mechanical support will be available at each support station.
It’s a privilege to be able to cycle around iconic Loch Ness and Inverness, so please do everything you can to keep it free from litter and dispose of your rubbish responsibly.
Please use litter bins and do not drop litter. Please keep your rubbish in your pockets and get rid of it at the support stations, the finish and the Event Hub where litter bins are available.
In addition, there are 4 clearly signed Litter Drop Zones, which will be small sections of the road approx. 1-2 miles after each support station where you will be permitted to discard your litter. When using these zones, please take care to ensure you discard your litter at the LEFT edge of the road to reduce the risk of hazard to riders behind you
Mechanical support is available at the support stations along the course:
Mechanical support is also available during Registration on Saturday at the Event Hub.
We strongly recommend that you come prepared, and we advise all participants to carry a pump, puncture repair kit, tyre levers and a couple of spare inner tubes with you.
Yes, portable toilets are available at the start, all 4 support stations on the route (at mile 15, 27, 42 and 54.5), south of the King of the Mountain (mile 37) and at the finish line. There are also toilets at the Event Hub. Please use these facilities and respect the local area and residents.
During the Etape Loch Ness at approx. 34 miles (55km) into the route as you leave Fort Augustus, there is a 4.8 mile (7.72km) climb gaining 380m in height and at times with a gradient reaching 12%. The start and finish of the King of the Mountain section will be clearly marked and all participants receive a split time for this section, which will be included with your time.
You can download a GPX file of the route from our Rider Zone.
Yes, massage is available on Sunday at the Event Hub for a small donation to our official charity, Macmillan Cancer Support.
We’re sorry but there are NO facilities at the Event Hub for storage of participants’ baggage or belongings. All items left in parked vehicles are left at the owner’s risk.
There will be no changing facilities or showers provided at the Event Hub.
Please hand any items found to the Info Tent at the Event Hub. We will keep lost property for 2 weeks after the event. Please email to register any lost items, giving as much detail as you can about the item and where it may have been lost.
Your official photos from the Etape Loch Ness will be going LIVE from the moment you pass a MarathonPhotos Live photographer around the course. Share your race number with your friends and family and they can register to be notified as soon as your first photos are available online. They can then see your progress throughout the event. They might even buy your photos and your video as a well-done gift before you’ve even crossed the finish line! Don’t forget to share your photos and video on social media and with friends & family so they can share your achievement. You can also download a FREE personalised Event Certificate.
Find your photos and certificate here.
Please visit our online shop to purchase our official Etape Loch Ness cycle tops for collection at registration.
It will also be possible to buy cycle tops over the event weekend at the Event Hub, subject to stock availability.
If you have pre-purchased an Etape Loch Ness cycle top from our online shop, this will be available for collection from our Merchandise stand during Registration at the Event Hub on Saturday. Please remember to bring a copy of your order confirmation with you.
It will also be possible to buy cycle jerseys over the event weekend at the Event Hub, subject to stock availability.
If you ordered your iTab at the time of online entry, you don’t need to do anything – just wait for your iTab to arrive in the post after the event.
If you would like to order an iTab, engraved with your name and finish time, please visit our online shop
As a charity event, we welcome all cyclists who wish to raise funds for charity. We would also love it if you chose to raise funds for our official charity, Macmillan Cancer Support.
Whilst fundraising is not compulsory, we encourage all participants to consider raising money for our official charity, Macmillan Cancer Support, or a charity of their choice. Small amounts make a big difference and the monies raised by the Etape Loch Ness will directly benefit thousands of lives across the UK.
You should contact Macmillan Cancer Support or your chosen charity direct to discuss their fundraising requirements. Many charities and groups will directly benefit from the funds raised by the Etape Loch Ness. Find our more here.
We are committed to making our events as sustainable as possible and to minimise the event’s environmental impact as we work towards a Zero Waste to Landfill event for the future however we do need your help. Read more here about some of the ways we are eliminating waste and reducing the environmental impact of the event this year.
The final 2 miles through Inverness and the finish line and Event Hub at Eden Court Theatre provide the best vantage points for spectators. First cyclists are expected across the finish line from 08:45 onwards, and the bulk of cyclists expected between 08:450-13:00.
If you live in or are visiting any of the following villages along the route – Drumnadrochit, Invermoriston, Fort Augustus, Foyers and Dores – why not get your friends and family to give riders a cheer as they go past, it really does make a difference, however please be aware of road closures.
Temporary traffic restrictions and spectator viewpoints along the route will be available nearer the time here.
For safety reasons, no dogs, including assistance dogs, are permitted on the route.
Dogs are welcome in the outside areas of the Event Hub in the grounds of Eden Court. Assistance dogs only are permitted inside the tents and inside Eden Court Theatre.
Please be aware the Event Hub will be very busy over the event weekend which can create a stressful environment for dogs. We therefore recommend that you leave them at home where possible.
There are a host of volunteer roles at the event. Please visit our volunteer page for more information or email us.
Inverness is the Highland capital and gateway city to Loch Ness and the Highlands, with an international airport and it is well served by public transport. Please check out our Visit section, which lists flights, trains, buses and car hire companies serving Inverness.
There is a wide variety of accommodation to suit all budgets in Inverness and around Loch Ness although we recommend you book early as it does get booked up over the Event Weekend.
To help you plan your trip, please visit Visit Inverness Loch Ness or our Visit page.
Maybe aye, maybe nae!